So 7 days of antibiotics and I feel so much better. Still havnt got much time for scrapping - and missing it so much. As we are trying to get the house ready to put on the market. Tidying, painting, cutting down trees, cleaning cleaning, tiling etc etc etc. Its just never ending. I really hope that out next house doesnt need 'work' but then again we have really enjoyed getting this house to OUR home.
And being Sunday and the last day to upload for Chippie Week 7 - Rachelles gorgeous "Creating the Metal Look" class I have just uploaded this layout. Yep Chris not that impressed but - It had to be done. Head on over to Scrappin Outback and check out the gallery - AMAZING work in there.
Anyway I got my Kats kits during the week for June and I must say I love them all. I have nearly finished 2 for May after being sick and all the sketches are done - just need to upload this one :- 

And another thing - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all those gorgeous mothers out there - especially my mum and MIL. I spent my mothers day cleaning the stove - YEP fun fun fun.