Check out Julie's photo challenge to the Scrap cap members here -
its a blast. She has set a dare to us to take some 'fun' chrissy photos. Will have a go over the weekend if the cherrubs behave.
Also check out Sharons awesome 'Build It Up' competition.
The requirements/rules are
1. You must include the element for the current week in your layout or card AND the previous week's elements- i.e. week 1 - there will be 1 element, week 2 - there will be 2 elements and so on.2. You must create a greeting card or a 12 x 12 layout for each week3. entries need to be uploaded by the following Sunday at midnight.
This week the element was ribbon - here is my layout.

I am also working on an awesome Kaiser Sakora Kit that Lorrie sent me during the week - more soon.
Just 2 short weeks until I get to go and visit my family and friends in Melbourne. Can't wait. We haven't been 'home' for over 12 months so it should be fantastic. I get to shop with my mum, spend Chrissy with my family, spend time with my fabulous in laws (yes they truly are fabulous), spend New Years at Port Fairy, visit my bestie Liz, see my fav cousin Ness and her family and catch up with lots of friends I went to school with. I am also going to have a fantastic time meeting my cyber buddies from Scrapbook Capital when we go out for Chrissy drinkies. CANT WAIT!!! Bring It on.