Today is Valentines day. I got the Packed to the Rafters CD and What happens in Vegas DVD (hinting for a while paid off). This is our 14th Valentines Day together – I cant believe it. Love you babe.

Here is a card that I made for Sharons card challenge at Scrapbook capital - go check out the gallery there and dont forget about the cybercrop challenge.

The girls and I flew to Melbourne on December 12th after Em finished school for the year.
Mum Em and I went to see Wicked the Musical which was awesome.
I did this layout of us heading out with the ScrappinKats January Au Chocolate Kit.
Mum Em and I went to see Wicked the Musical which was awesome.
I did this layout of us heading out with the ScrappinKats January Au Chocolate Kit.

I caught up with my besties in Melbourne too. Liz is looking so taught, trim and terrific. I am so proud of her. She is looking happy again. Leanne is looking great as well. I missed seeing the kids though. I just can’t wait to move back home to spend more time with them.

This layout was done with the gorgeous February ScrappinKats kit.

Here is a layout of my beautiful nephew, Henry. He is such a little man now and just LOVES gumpies car – climbing in and out of it all day – He definitely has Hutchinson blood in his veins.

Mum, Zo, Em and I went into Melbourne for the day to visit the Myer Chrissy windows and the Crown Christmas light show. While we were there we also went to the aquarium to see the gorgeous penguins.

I did this monochromatic layout to show them off -

I did this gorgeous frame for the January cybercrop. I used the lovely basic Grey Bittersweet range.

Christmas morning was spent at mum and dads, opening Santa pressies. I was thoroughly spoilt by mum, dad and Chris with a new lens and camera bag. We had a yummy baked chrissy lunch - thanks mum -

and then we headed to the Firths for dinner - yummy lobster and prawns
and Boxing Day Christmas with Granny, Shane and Kip, Kerrie and Chris and us.

and Boxing Day Christmas with Granny, Shane and Kip, Kerrie and Chris and us.

We visited the Werribee Zoo and Mansion again. It was awesome. The African concert this time was all drum/percussion. Chris, Kerrie, Chris, the girls and I had a lovely picnic on the grass while the girls danced to the beat and Em made a drum.

I got to see my fabulous cousin Vanessa (and her hubby Terry) and her ratbag (but totally fantastic) boys Az and Jordan. Can you believe it I didn't take any photos!!!! I always love to see them and Em loves 'the cousins' - even if they do fight like cats and dogs.
On January 6th we went to Melbourne Zoo. We were fortunate to be able to take our gorgeous nephew Lachie for the day which was fantastic. 
This layout is of Em in the Butterfly house at the Zoo using the gorgeous January Kit – from The Scrappin Kats.
And Zoe in the Butterfly enclosure.
We flew home mid January and I headed back to work. I also turned 35 YICKS!!!

This layout is of Em in the Butterfly house at the Zoo using the gorgeous January Kit – from The Scrappin Kats.

This layout is using the Kaiser papers that I received from Lorrie and following Julie Heards beautiful sketch for the January CC.

On Australia day we went to a 1st Birthday Party for the super cute little Smishie (Hamish). The girls had a great time on the slippery dip water slide.
Here is a layout I did using the Kaiser Love Struck range that Lorrie sent me from Scrapbook Capital.

Zoe has started to swim all by herself. She swims under the water but hasn’t quite learnt to come up for a breath yet. It just looks so darn cute. She loves the pool and gets in any chance she can.
Em started senior year at primary school I really can’t believe that my baby is almost in high school. So this year she is in Year 7 – she is enjoying it – I think the social side more than anything else. 

On a serious note -
The devastating Victorian bushfires have claimed so many lives and homes. My heart goes out to them. Luckily my family have been safe so far. My grandparents are in Kilmore quite close to the fires but thankfully all is well at the moment. This is the worst natural disaster in Australian History. I just can’t believe that at one end of this gorgeous country there are bushfires and at the other end floods. Mother Nature hey!!! I love this photo circulating at the moment. It really shows the heart renching conditions that these firefighters and animals are going through.
The devastating Victorian bushfires have claimed so many lives and homes. My heart goes out to them. Luckily my family have been safe so far. My grandparents are in Kilmore quite close to the fires but thankfully all is well at the moment. This is the worst natural disaster in Australian History. I just can’t believe that at one end of this gorgeous country there are bushfires and at the other end floods. Mother Nature hey!!! I love this photo circulating at the moment. It really shows the heart renching conditions that these firefighters and animals are going through.

I have had a few of my layouts accepted by Creative Papers so keep an eye out for them in coming issues.
Ok I think I have caught up - told you it was going to be a long one. If you got to the end of this post make sure you drop me a message so I know I didnt bore you to death. I will try to be a better blogger in future!!!!
Our little tadpole - so cute
Love the updates mate.. its been a while :-) xx
Was lovely to read you had such a nice holiday down south. Looked like you had a great time too. It was awesome to meet you and can't wait until your back down here forever. Great photo's awesome creations (as always) and a belated happy birthday. look forward to your next update.
I did ring u to tell you, but you NEVER ring me back!!
Wow so much to comment about, what a great holiday, and lovely people you got to meet at the Scrapbook Capital christmas party. Love pixie photos, Em looks just like her mother, gorgeous singapore orchids for your wedding anniversary, forgot to ask does your husband have a, wow you have a busy life, and a lovely person to boot. Mel
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